Sunday, April 5, 2015

Just a little intro!!!

Okay so awhile back(few years ago) I had decided to start a blog. Well that lasted a whole 6 blogs before I quite lol. Anyways I decided to try this again especially with being in Korea. There are so many awesome things or sometimes weird things that happen here and I think gosh I want to post this on Facebook but to spill it all out would sometimes mean taking up someone's entire news feed which will end up leading into someone posting how annoying it is when someone writes a book you have to scroll through which then leads to them saying just write a blog  lol. So to spare all that I decided to go ahead and start blogging again so I can keep everyone updated on our crazy little adventure to Korea. Just some warnings though. I am not a English major I have been out of school now for 12 years. So please understand that when I don't use a comma in the right place or use the wrong spelling its just cause I am in the  sharing my thoughts or adventures kind of moment so the last thing on my mind is to make sure all my grammar is correct lol. My majors are being a mommy to 3 beautiful girls and wife to my amazing husband.
So a little about myself. I am Beth. I have 3 amazing daughters who absolutely mean everything to me. They keep both Kevin and I entertained constantly. I have an amazing husband who I love so much. He is my rock. I don't know what I would do without him. I love my life and everything God has blessed me with. He is truly amazing. I love to travel and my kind of traveling is on one of those big ships where you have room service, all you can eat food pretty much 24/7 and lots of sun. That's right cruising. I have become a cruise addict and my goal is to sail on every Carnival ship there is lol. I have been on 6 cruises in the last 2.5 years I love it so much lol. And I have only been on 2 ships. I have been on the Carnival Elation 5  times and the Carnival Triumph once for my Bestie's wedding 2 months ago. Ready for another one already lol. I love Mexican food. Its sorta hard being in Korea cause the Mexican food is kinda slim. However we did find a On The Border in Seoul so that was pretty cool. I love that place.
Natalea a.k.a Naterday our oldest we sometimes  joke around that she is from another planet. She is so fun, bubbly, and just full of energy. Wouldn't change a thing about her, well except maybe her teenager attitude haha. This girl can draw. I will share some of those later. I see so much potential in her. She absolutely loves reading the series called Warrior Cats and likes to refer to events that happen around her "hey that happened to so and so on warrior cats".
Hailey she is a sweet and caring little one but don't let that fool ya she has a little evil behind that sweet and innocent look. She loves LOVES to instigate things with Natalea. Which then brings out that crazy teenager attitude in Nat. Hailey loves Penguins and loves to play board games as a family. She still has that cute little baby face and loves hugs and cuddles.
Mckayla our youngest well that says it all the youngest. Yes she is spoiled cause she is the baby. She is very shy until you get to know her. So many people back home always got excited if Mckayla acknowledged or talked to them lol. Its so funny when someone comes to you doing backflips and cartwheels screaming MCKAYLA TALKED TO ME or MCKAYLA HUGGED ME lol. It is a that BIG of a deal lol. However at home and around people she really knows she is nothing like that. She sings dances and yells. And loves to get on her sisters nerves. Her favorite animal is a Fox.
Then there is my oh so wonderful Husband. We met in 2002 and married  in 2002. He is everything I ever wanted. God truly blessed me with him. He is so amazing to us and would do anything for us. I could not imagine life without him, We have now been married almost 13 years. He joined the military in 2002 as well (BIG YEAR). I have been a military wife now for almost 13 years. I love being park of the military its so amazing. There are plenty of ups and downs. And the most recent is making the big decision in joining him in Korea. The hardest part was saying goodbye to our friends and families.  We found an amazing church and having to leave there was so hard.  We have been gone for 2 months now and I am so ready to see everyone already. However even though its hard I know it was the best decision cause if we can be together why not right? We have gone through so many tdys and deployements lately that it was time to put a pause on it for a bit. I am so glad we are here together. It was a tough decision but I know it was a right one.
Okay so there is a little about my family I know not much but its a start and I am kinda all over the place in it but that's how I am lol. So hopefully on my next post I can talk more about our Journey to Korea. I don't want to put to much in this one cause its already a little long.

Have a BLESSED Easter!!

1 Peter 1:3-9
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

My first Mud Run!!!

Well on Saturday June 1st I did my first mud run in Dallas, TX.
First off  I will describe the run and then give details of how amazing our weekend was and the yummy delicious food we ate.
So we arrived at Skyline Ranch around 9am. Our run wasn't until noon so met up with our team Dirty Divas and just hung out and enjoyed the cool fresh morning. So let me just tell you I can run a 5k no problem. Tell me to run 6 miles I will totally do it but I found out you throw some hills in with that 5k and I am not as tough as I thought lol. We line up about 1145. The guy tells us to go its starting out awesome here comes the first hill and what do you know the heat and humidity decided to come out about noon. We get to our first obstacle which was the big gigantic slide by far my favorite obstacle. The rest of the run consisted of a lot of uphills and some neat obstacles. We reached a creek which was amazing cause we were so hot. We just let that water splash all over us. My second favorite obstacle I would have to say was the very last one which was crawling through the mud. It was so fun. We finished the race in about 36 mins which I was very impressed with since I was not use to hills whatsoever. I want to make this a yearly trip. I had such a blast and even though I sweat, burned up, and am now suffering from some pain  it was all worth it.
So Friday was when our official "Girls Weekend" started. Kassie and I met up first and had an amazing yummy dinner at Chilis. Then we went back to the hotel where we met up with the rest of our crew sit by the pool and just relaxed. On Sat we enjoyed an amazing breakfast thanks to Holiday Inn and then set off for our run. After our run we went to this amazing Mexican Restaurant called Uncle Julios which in my opinion had the most amazing chicken enchiladas I have ever ate. From there we went back to the room and went to sleep. That heat really drained our energy and we were suffering from food coma. We then woke up about an hr later and went to a hibachi grill where we ordered sushi and some other amazing food. I wont go into details of that cause its a bit embarrassing on how much I ate lol. After we thought we had enough food we decided there was always room for a little ice cream. So we headed to Marble Slab and I got a strawberry cheesecake ice cream cone. It was absolutely AMAZING!!! Once again we were in food coma so we went back to the room where we just relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the night.
I was sad to see the weekend end and say goodbye to my friends but I was so ready to get home to my girls and hug them. Big thanks to my wonderful friend Brooke for keeping my sweet princesses while I did this.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My diet

So 2 weeks ago I decided to go on a STRICT diet hoping I would get myself to eating right again well I have stuck to it and no cheating. I even went to Red Lobster this past Sat and I was still right at my cal intake I just planned my meal ahead by looking at their website. Now if ur like me I love Red Lobster biscuits and I did enjoy just one and thanks to my friend Laura she put the basket beside her so I wouldnt eat anymore.THANKS LAURA lol!!! So in the last 2 weeks I have lost about 8 lbs. I am so proud of myself. Last night I even had a craving for a snack and i suffered through it and when I stepped on the scale this morning I am so glad I didnt give in. I feel AMAZING!!! I don't even crave fatty foods anymore and now when I get full I don't continue eating just because I have something left on my plate or I want the taste lol. I only have 15 more lbs to go and I will be officially at my goal and done losing weight. I am completely content where I am at now though. I know some people have cheat days but all it takes is one cheat day to mess up my whole plan up and I havent cheated since I started this 2 weeks ago so I will not go get a burger or anything that sounds super yummy until I get to my goal. That will be my reward and even being at my goal I am still going to maintain the way I am eating now just I wont feel guilty if I decide to go out to dinner and get my fav meal. Anyways I just wanted to blog about my accomplishment. I am sooo proud of myself and I feel amazing!!! Big Thanks to my friends Chrissy and Kassie yall keep me so motivated I love u guys!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My First Ticket

So I found out today that my street is 15 mph zone and not 25. I was coming out of my house with Hailey so we could go get her cake and food for her bday party. Across the street sat a base cop who had another cop passenger with him. I know he was staring at me just thinking he was going to get me. Well I get in my car pass by him and I am thinking to myself oooo he is going to get him someone hehe. Not knowing well it will be me. So here I am trying to be super careful going 25 and i get through the first red light and I never saw him turn around to follow me. So I approach the next stop light I needed to make a right turn and it started turned yellow so I went through it real fast as it was turning red and well what do u know the red and blue flashes started flashing. I pulled over and he comes to the car and ask " Ma'am do you know why I am pulling u over? well since I was driving so careful earlier and since I have never been pulled over I said um was it because I ran that red light and he was like well ma'am that is not why I actually pulled u over for going 25 in a 15 on Hickam dr and I was like oh really I didnt realize that was the speed limit. So anyways I hand him my DL and he asked for my registration and insurance I couldnt find them and then I said well isnt the registration on the license plates and he said well u have temporary plates and they should have given u a piece of paper. Well then I was thinking crap cause I knew it must have been at home. So then he says well ma'am do u realize ur DL is expired and I say well I thought if u were military u didnt have to renew it if u were in a different state and he said that is only for active duty members not spouses GRRRR. So I find my insurance hand it to him goes to his car and comes back lets me know that he was not giving me a ticket for running a red light, having an expired license or not being able to provide registration but he was giving me a ticket for speeding. So I got my first ticket. After he gave the ticket to me I said thank you. Now why in the world would I say thank u I am not thankful for being pulled over or to be given a 75.00 ticket grrr lol. I did get some great advice from Chrissy and Kevin when I got home they said next time I get pulled over and the cop ask me why he pulled me over just tell him Im sorry I do not know. Not oh was it because I ran a red light lmbo.
Oh and then on my way home he was sitting in that same spot. I am sure he was laughing and staring thinking I just gave her a ticket haha.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Lately I have not been getting on facebook much and not doing this has made me realize that I am neglecting all my apps.
For Example
My food on Cafe World is spoiled
My Farmville plants are all withered
My pet on Petville has run away and is now sitting in the pound waiting for me to come to her rescue
My fish on fishville are floating dead in the tank
and last
I have lost most my friends on YoVille.

That is a lot of apps to keep up with whew. I have gone a few days without checking facebook and I think I have finally realized that strangely enough I am getting really bored of it. I get on read some status's post my status check my mesgs and get off and I like that. The only reason why I was getting on everyday is to check my apps. And in order to keep everything straight I have to visit them everyday. I mean on Yoville if I don't visit my friends EVERYDAY then i lose their friendship and then I have to report to work every 5 hrs to get coins.
And Zoo World is really a waste of my time so I wont even go there. So I have decided I may decide every now and again to get on these apps but I am going to try to avoid them. I would delete these off my facebook but I know some of my friends really rely on me to be their neighbor so they can get ribbons, points or coins.
So I guess this is about it. Just wanted to blog about what was on my mind about facebook lol.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Here it goes

So with everyone else blogging it has gotten me in the mood to blog. I have always wanted to start a blog but just never had the motivation or sit down to take the time. I have so much that goes on that I just like to talk about so why not just blog about it right. And well even though mine wont be near as interesting or possibly as funny as Mrs. Deb Lee I am still gonna do it lol. Oh goodness there is so much I could start writing on so after I get my thoughts together I will start a new one and after I learn a bit more about this blogspot. Just wanted to put a bit of an introduction out here to get it started